Want to deliver pitches and presentations like a TED speaker?

Join our one-day intensive workshop on November 15, 2024

Do you watch TED talks and wonder what the secret is to giving such a compelling presentation? Spoiler: It’s not about the slides, it’s about storytelling . Storytelling is an essential skill for leadership and success. As Steve Jobs himself said, “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.”

This 1-day intensive workshop is designed to help entrepreneurs, investors, and executives to improve their storytelling skills and understand how to use these skills to pitch, present, communicate, and lead.

Anybody can put together a slide deck, but few can deliver a great story. As humans, the magic of stories is deep in our DNA. In today’s world, entrepreneurs, executives, and brands who tell the most compelling stories are able to command the most influence and success.

Suitable for: This workshop is designed for startup founders, investors, executives, and others whose careers can be advanced by developing storytelling skills and a deeper understanding of how to use them.

Outcomes: Participants will emerge from the workshop with a set of frameworks that will help them understand the components of successful storytelling, how storytelling can be adapted and tailored for different audiences, and how to engage and inspire others through the development of their own tone and style.

Workshop Leaders: The workshop will be led by Bret Waters and Bruno Mano, with Jeff Cabili. Bret is a veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor who now teaches at Stanford Continuing Studies. Bruno is a principal and professor at Link School of Business in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Jeff is a world-renown expert on pitches, storytelling, and nonverbal communication who teaches in Stanford Continuing Studies.

  • 8:30am: Breakfast, Coffee, Networking
    Spend some time getting to know the other participants while you stand out on the deck, looking out on the ocean and enjoying morning food and beverages.
  • 9:00am: Welcome RemarksBret Waters and Bruno Mano.
    Welcome, and objectives for the day. Introductions around the room.
  • 9:30am: Elements of Storytelling Bret Waters and Bruno Mano.
    When we say “storytelling skills”, what does that mean, exactly? What makes for a good story, and what would Joseph Campbell say about it? We’ll watch some short videos, discuss how we react to them, and begin to develop the elements of successful storytelling.
  • 10:30am: Morning Break and Group Exercise (with food and drink).
    Break into groups. Introduce yourself to your group by telling a 2-minute story about your life and what led you here. Get to know each other, and your individual goals for the day.
  • 11:30am The Science of Storytelling – Bruno Mano.
    Recent research gives us new insights into the neuroscience behind how our brain processes communication. We’ll look at the key questions our brains ask, how these drive our response and action, and the key neurotransmitters involved (e.g., dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins). We’ll connect the new science with old wisdom, including Aristotle’s Rhetoric: Ethos, Pathos, Logos.
  • 12:30pm Lunch (fully-catered, vegetarian options available).
    Lunch will be served out on the deck, overlooking the water. This is a chance to discuss the morning’s learnings with the other participants, and how you will apply them in the afternoon. If you have specific dietary restrictions, let us know.
  • 1:30pm: Storytelling in BusinessBruno Mano
    So how can we put these concepts to work in our professional lives? We’ll talk about developing a framework for creating compelling messages, crafting sales pitches and persuasive emails, and pitch decks for entrepreneurs and investors.
  • 3:00 pm: Nonverbal CommunicationJeff Calibi
    How does nonverbal communication play into storytelling? The wrong message can be established if the body language conveyed does not match the verbal message. Understanding nonverbal communication is the secret sauce of great storytelling.
  • 4:30pm: Afternoon Break and Group Exercise (with food and drink).
    Break into groups. Deliver a 2-minute story to your group (could be a pitch, could be a rant, could be persuasion on a point of view). Get feedback on how you have incorporated some of the day’s learnings.
  • 5:30pm: Capstone – Bret Waters and Bruno Mano.
    Bringing the day’s learnings and experiences together. Key takeaways, learnings, and reflections. Some specific assignments on how you can continue to develop and use these skills.
  • 6-8pm Afterparty at JettyWave Distillery (optional).
    After the workshop we will walk across the street to JettyWave where we’ll sit around the fire for beverages and discussion. This part of the day is purely optional, and your bar tab is not included in the workshop cost.