Preparing and Delivering Winning Pitch Decks
A virtual workshop on February 17 at 7pm PST.
The Silicon Valley startup world is pretty obsessed with pitch decks. There are plenty of resources that claim they know the secret to creating the perfect pitch deck that will land you millions of dollars in juicy venture capital.
But what really matters? What are some real-life examples of successful pitching and the ingredients that go into preparing and delivering a winning pitch?
In this fast-paced 45-minute online workshop, we’ll cover all of that. Click here to add yourself to the calendar invite. It’s free.

Bret Waters has been Founder & CEO of three Silicon Valley software companies. He now teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford University and coaches startup CEOs at Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship. Previously he spent six years on the advisory board of the Stanford University Graduate School of Education, was interim CEO at Stanford New Schools, and served as Chief Mentor with the European Innovation Academy, teaching Silicon Valley innovation methodology to engineering students from around the world. He received his MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.